Recently I was reading through 1 Thessalonians and rediscovered one of my favorite verses, 1 Thess. 2:4 which says, “We speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.” This verse always gives me pause as I ask, “what does it mean to live a life ‘entrusted with the Gospel’?” It is certainly not something to be taken lightly. What a great, undeserved privilege it is for us, a sinful mankind, to be entrusted with so precious a gift as God’s holy word and plan for salvation. Living a life entrusted with the Gospel must change everything. We must seek to become better acquainted with this good news message and pour our efforts into being better disciples, better evangelists and better people. It also means we are obligated to share this wonderful gift. How can we keep so great a Gospel to ourselves? As a church, as those entrusted with the Gospel, it is our duty to bring the good news to all. Why are we as Christians so hesitant to do so? Perhaps it is because we do not fully appreciate what a privilege it is to have the Gospel. We are too prone to squander this gift; to keep it to ourselves, to not let it trans-form us and to waste the valuable gift God entrusted us to use.

As I think about Darrow Road I ask, “Are we living up to the calling of being entrusted with the Gospel?” Perhaps some of us are, I certainly hope so. But certainly as a church there is more work to be done. We live in an area filled with opportunities to share the good news. We have chances to invite people to church and ways to ask them to fully engage in their faith. To that end we have several upcoming events in our young adult ministries I would love for you to consider inviting someone to. One would be our ongoing Young Adult Sunday School. This is a great time for young adults to meet people of a similar age and life stage as we seek to understand more of the Scriptures and draw closer to God. It’s a casual atmosphere and we would welcome anyone who identifies themselves as a young adult to join us. A second opportunity will be the launching of our new “Young Adult Community Nights”. This will be held here at the church on Saturday, September 29th at 5:30pm. We will have a few songs of worship and a short time of teaching followed by a free meal and some time to play games and hang out. This will be an incredibly easy invite to give because even if they are against the idea of coming to the worship and teaching, they are welcome to join us just for the meal and games. All I ask is for people to RSVP if possible to help with the food count. Would you consider inviting a young adult you know to one these events? Will you consider praying about how you can continue to live a life entrusted with the Gospel?

Pastor Matthew

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