Darrow Road is active in local ministries:  There is a place for you to serve here.

– Each December members volunteer to ring bells to raise funds for Salvation Army. Contact secretary@darrowroad.org to sign up.

– We also contribute to the food shelf, and monthly support the local SAMaritan fund which provides assistance to those in need. Contact darrow_road@darrowroad.org to sign up.

– The Cancer Support Group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2 PM.  They provide prayer, support and information to those who are suffering from cancer, cancer survivors and their families and care-givers.

– Our knitters provide items to hospitals and prayer shawls to those suffering illness. Anyone is invited to join on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM

-Our quilters meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 1 PM.  They provide support to those who have suffered loss through fire. Anyone is invite to join them.

– Our Compassion Ministry Team provides church services and visitations to our local nursing homes. Contact darrow_road@darrowroad.org to get involved.

–  Our Church hosts community events so we can connect with those outside our doors.  Check our calendar for these outreach opportunities.

– Our church provides meals for funerals at our church regardless of the family’s ability to pay.  Contact darrow_road@darrowroad.org  for more information.