September 16 – Mark 8:15-21

  1. What is the difference between hearing and understanding?
  2. How often do we quickly forget what God has shown or taught us?
  3. How are we on guard and how do we decipher whether what we hear is garbage or what is true and should be put into practice?

September 17 – Jeremiah 5:20-31

  1. Are we willing to cash the check when the time comes to answer for thoughts and actions?
  2. If we have two eyes and ears, what prevents us from seeing and hearing?
  3. How does not fearing God have disastrous consequences?

September 18 – John 9:1-12

  1. How often do we miss the point of what God is doing by asking and assuming the wrong things?
  2. What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world?
  3. How is obedience a part of the learning process?

September 19 – Mark 8:22-26

  1. What does it mean to be blind spiritually?
  2. How do we get rid of our spiritual blindness?

September 20 – Mark 10:46-52

  1. How do faith and trust go together?
  2. How does faith allow us to dive below the surface and see things at a deeper level?
  3. Does our faith lead to action and persistence in our action?

September 21 – Luke 11:33-36

  1. Is how we look at and deal with situations based on where are at spiritually?
  2. What is the difference between light and darkness?
  3. What are your actions and attitudes reflecting?

September 22 – 2 Kings 6:8-23

  1. How does having spiritual eyes allow us to focus on what God can do instead of our circumstances?
  2. If God is for us, what do we have to worry about?
  3. How does having spiritual eyes and ears allow God to develop our discernment and give us the boldness to share our faith?

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