January 19- Numbers 5:5-8

Is the phrase “my bad” cheap grace and does it do more harm than good to a relationship?

Does guilt turn into shame when it is not dealt with properly?

What is the point of confession if we don’t change our ways?

Does our restitution look to absolve our conscience or is its aim to restore a relationship?

January 20- Leviticus 16:29-34

Is there a connection between affliction and humility?

Why is self-denial such a hard and foreign concept for us?

Do restitution and atonement have any similarities?

How is atonement important not only for the individual but also for the community?

January 21- Matthew 5:21-26

In all reality, does our anger look to change the situation for the better or to destroy and humiliate said person or  situation?

How much of our worship of God is striving for healthy relationships with others?

With restitution and reconciliation, how important is it to check and even change our motives/attitudes before             we proceed

January 22- Matthew 18:21-35

Does forgiveness always mean restored relationships?

Why are we so eager to demand forgiveness and yet we refuse to give it?

Can we have healthy boundaries without forgiveness?

What are the things that prevent us from forgiveness?

January 23- Luke 19:1-10

Do we treat restitution as a gift or a burden?

Who are those people we don’t want to have forgiveness and we let them know as much?

What is the difference between doing something because we have to versus want to?

January 24- Romans 13:8-10

How is love the opposite of sin and selfishness?

What does it mean to love our neighbor as ourselves?

January 25-Philippians 3:7-14

What is the difference between knowing facts about God and knowing God personally?

Does what we value most lead to eternal life and peace, or to destruction and discontent?

How is the power of the resurrection the basis for reconciliation and restitution?

Is maturity reaching a certain point, or continuously reaching out to grow and to become     

                more Christ-like? 

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