June 13- Mathew 6:5-8

            Do we ever pray to appear holy?

            What are mindless prayers?

            What are the rewards that Jesus is talking about?

            Is there a difference between public and private prayer?

June 14- Mathew 6:9

            Do we pray so that we can change God, or so that God can change us?

            How can and/or should prayer balance God’s authority, along Him being a Father?

            How does our prayer or the lack of it reveal our relationship with God?

            How does prayer reveal God’s nature?

June 15- Mathew 6:10

            What is God’s kingdom?

            Can God’s kingdom really be brought about this side of Jesus’ return?

            How does prayer reveal what God’s purposes are?

            What is our role in fulfilling God’s kingdom?

June 16- Mathew 6:11

            What does it mean to rely on God for our daily needs?

            Does this mean that pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps is not completely Biblical?

            Does prayer help reduce the possibility for anxiety and worry?

June 17- Mathew 6:12

            How does any sort of debt create a barrier in all relationships?

            How does the forgiveness of debt work on restoring our relationship with God?

            Should we be as concerned with restoring our relationship with others as we are with God?

June 18- Mathew 6:13

            What is the difference between temptation, and trials?

            Why doesn’t God tempt?

            Do we consider it pure joy when we face trials?

June 19- Mathew 6:14-15

            If we don’t forgive others, will God refuse to forgive us?

            How is our relationship with others a reflection of how our relationship with God is going?

            How is unforgiveness like a wet blanket that smothers everything?

            Why do we expect to receive things from God that we are not willing to give to other


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