Reading Ecclesiastes 7 recently I settled in on vs. 13-21. The Preacher (as the writer is called) talks about the unfairness of life. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does it seem the wicked prosper and live out life? Why does it seem the righteous die ‘early’? Questions all of us have asked at one time or another in varying contexts and situations of life.

When we take time to ask those questions, as Christians we need to be sure we get answers. Answers to questions like: Why is there injustice? Why isn’t life fair? That’s what we’re really asking right? Christians & non-Christians alike are seeking answers to these questions.

Where do you look for the answers? Do you walk off in disbelief? Out of sight/out of mind? Are you convinced the ‘deck is stacked against you’?

As Christians we need to be sure to seek our answers from good solid Christian radio, or seeking the best life you can or false spiritualism (usually found in good church attendance)? No, that’s not where we look. The trouble comes when our seeking leads us away from Scripture. God’s Word not only asks the questions we all want answers to, it provides answers.

As we read and study the bible we will come to only one conclusion; only one answer – Jesus. A relationship with Jesus Christ that helps us understand we are foreigners. That means we are Spiritual Green Card holders. This is not our home. We play by different rules, a different code. A code based on loving and serving. When we keep this in mind, the rules, laws and code of the world don’t seem to matter as much.

Ecclesiastes 7.18 says to fear God and you’ll come out of life, experiences both good and bad, with a proper perspective. Life isn’t fair. Just ask Jesus.

Pastor Jason

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