September 6- Genesis 1-2

What does it mean to be created in God’s image?

In the creation story, God set boundaries for water and land. How are boundaries a good thing, how do they create health and protection, and why do we look to break them?

Is death from eating from the tree of knowledge physical, spiritual or both, and which is worse?

September 7- Genesis 3

Is the promise of the devil to be God or be like God, and what is the difference?

Do the words of Kenny Rogers apply to this passage of knowing when to hold them, knowing when to fold, and knowing when to walk or run away?

How do our actions and attitudes lead to barriers and sins against other people and God?

September 8- Genesis 4

Am I really my brothers keeper or can I hang people out to dry?

Why does God call one offering better than another?

Why do we often think that punishment equals alienation from God and others?

September 9- Genesis 6

What does it mean to grieve God?

How do we meld the ideas of “God is love” and God wiping out the earth?

 September 10- Genesis 7

How often do we follow God and His commands even though they seem weird and far-fetched?

How does this story show God’s authority over all of creation?

September 11- Genesis 8

By God remembering, how is He taking action on one’s welfare?

How is God’s grace shown in this chapter?

September 12- Genesis 9

What is the difference between a promise and covenant?

Does a covenant need a sign?

When we are embarrassed  by someone else’s action, what is our response?

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