February 9 – Genesis 3:1-19

Does our downfall begin when we start to question what God says or commands?

How does sin cause us to be closed off and secretive?

How often do we play the blame game?

Why is sin so attractive and appealing?

February 10 – Exodus 32:1-8

Are we more interested in worship, in the Creator, or in the created?

Does the mob mentality absolve us of our responsibility? 

How often does our ego write checks our body cannot cash? 

February 11 – Exodus 32:9-18

Can we actually change God’s mind?

Is being stiff necked the same as being calloused?

February 12 – Exodus 32:19-33:6

Why would we rather make excuses that take responsibility?

How is responsibility moving from admitting sin to doing things to avoid?

How is saying “my bad” not the same as seeking forgiveness?

February 13 – 2 Samuel 24:1-9

Does responsibility mean that we seek forgiveness, or wait for God to find us?

How does not trusting God get us into trouble?

February 14 – 2 Samuel 24:10-17

If we realized what our sin does to other people, would we still do it?

How does being responsible mean that we accept the consequences of our actions?

How do responsibility and humility go together?

February 15 – 2 Samuel 24:18-25

How do forgiveness and restitution go together?

How does restitution cost us something great?

Do restitution and forgiveness just apply to God, or does it apply to people as well?

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