February 16 – 1 Corinthians 15:12-34

Would there be such a thing as Christianity if Christ had not risen from the dead?

How did Christ’s resurrection take care of the separation between God and us?

How did Jesus complete what Adam could not?

What is the difference between Jesus being in all things and Jesus being over all things?

February 17 – 1 Corinthians 15:35-49

How does Christ’s physical resurrection give validation to our bodies?

Is there a difference between one’s physical and spiritual body?

How can we be reborn if we do not die to ourselves first?

February 18 – 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

What makes our work not in vain?

In the proper context, can and should death be celebrated?

What is the difference between the perishable and the imperishable and for which do we strive?       

February 19 – 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

How do we deal with the now and not yet of our faith?

If what we do in this life has eternal ramifications, how shall we live?

How is walking by faith and not by sight about not getting distracted by the glittery things?

February 20 – Revelation 20:4-6

Are we more concerned with being comfortable with the world or with God?

How is the Christian faith about endurance?

Why should we be more concerned with the second death than the first one?

February 21 – Revelation 20:11-15

If God is loving and gracious, why does He condemn people to die?

Since we are going to be held accountable for them, do we need to change our actions and intentions?

February 22 – Revelation 21:1-7

What does it mean that God is making all things new?

Is heaven about getting our mansion or being in the presence of God?

If this world has nothing to offer, why do we get so distracted by it?

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