January 20: Romans 13:11-14

  1. What does it mean to put on Christ?
  2. Are all desires bad?
  3.  What are those things we need to stop doing because they corrupt our character rather than build it up?

January 21: James 3:13-18

  1. What good is our faith if it does not lead to some sort of action?
  2. How often do we avoid such things as service and deep relationships because they take work, are very messy, or they just might cost us something?

January 22: James 3:9-12

  1. How often do we praise God in one breath or online post and two seconds later we rip someone a new one?
  2. If words are so powerful, why don’t we choose them more carefully?
  3. Our words are important, but how does our character, intention and attitude give them meaning?

January 23: Galatians 5:13-15

  1. Is true freedom allowing God to work in our lives and not being held captive by our selfish desires?
  2. Is Godly service doing things for others for their own good without being guilted into it or demanding payment or favors in return?

January 24: Galatians 5:16-18

  1. Why do we think that we can serve ourselves and God at the same time?
  2. What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?  
  3. Do we hold on to things that are destructive because for some reason they make us                         comfortable or is because we just don’t want to do some hard work and change?

January 25: Galatians 5:19-26

  1. What are those attitudes we carry that bring issues into our own lives and the lives of those with whom we interact?
  2. Which of the fruits of the Spirit come easy and which ones are difficult?
  3. How are you allowing the Holy Spirit to develop the fruits that are a struggle?
  4. Are you comfortable with the consequences of either an unchanged life or a life centered around you?

January 26: Matthew 12:33-37

  1. How does what we share and how we share it reveal our character?
  2. Why do we think we can let garbage in with what we watch and hear and expect good to come out in our speech and actions?
  3. How often do we throw other people under the bus to hide our own insecurities and/or                       character issues?

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