January 13- Luke 24:36-49

  1. Do we let doubt linger because we don’t know what is going on, or do we doubt because we don’t like the answer God give us?
  2. Does the bodily resurrection mean that there is value in our physical bodies?
  3. What does it mean to be a witness?
  4. How does Jesus resurrection prove who He said He was?

January 14- Acts 1:1-11

  1. Could our conversion mean that we get all of the Holy Spirit, and sanctification is when the Holy Spirit gets all of us?
  2. Is the Holy Spirit acting within us before our salvation, or is the Holy Spirit something we receive after our conversion?
  3. What are the benefits of the out pouring of the Holy Spirit?

January 15- Acts 2:1-13

  1. What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
  2. Is speaking in tongues a prayer language or is it the ability to hear and speak different                          languages?
  3. How does the appearance of the Holy Spirit always point to God and lead to some sort of                    transformation?

January 16- Acts 19:1-7

  1. What is the difference between John’s baptism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Can one really be called a Christian if we are not abiding with the Holy Spirit?
  3. If we are Christian, shouldn’t this produce certain results and what are some of those results?

January 17- John 14:15-27

  1. If we are disobedient, does this mean we are either withholding our love or not loving at all?
  2. Is true peace having a lack of conflict or being in right relationship with God and others?
  3. What does it mean for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us?

January 18- John 16:5-16

  1. Is having a gut feeling the same as a Holy Spirit nudging, or are they totally different?
  2. When we are convicted by the Holy Spirit, do we listen and heed, or do we avoid it at all cost?
  3. What is the role of the Holy Spirit?

January 19- 1 John 2:18-27

  1. What does it mean to abide?
  2. If we deny Jesus being the Son of God, why can we not be called a Christian?
  3. How does one discern what is real and true and what is fake and designed to lead astray?
  4. What are some of the barriers we face trying to put what we know into practice?

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