October 14 – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

  1. How do we properly handle disagreements?
  2. What are the essentials that we need to agree to so we can be called a disciple of Christ and do we hold to these?
  3. Are we more concerned with following people or following Jesus?

October 15 – Ephesians 4:7-16

  1. Does speaking the truth in love give us a right to be a jerk?
  2. Does unity cause us and to encourage others to grow in grace, or to develop a country club mentality?
  3. How do unity and discernment go together?

October 16 – Colossians 3:5-17

  1. What is the difference between managing our sin and dysfunction and actually putting it to death?
  2. When we get rid of a bad habit or character issue, do we let another one take its place, or do we replace it with Godliness?
  3. How do we stop differentiating and classifying people based on what they can do for us?
  4. What does it mean to put on love?

October 17 – John 17:20-26

  1. How does unity cause us to think outside of ourselves and realize that it is not “all about me”?
  2. If we are not on the path of being a disciple of Jesus, can we truly be unified with other Christians?
  3. How important are love and humility to unity?
  4. What is the message we are putting out by our interactions with other people?

October 18 – Psalm 133:1-3

  1. In a time that celebrates differences, how do we recapture the goodness of unity?
  2. How does unity develop either a transparent and/or a family type relationship?

October 19 – Philippians 2:1-11                                                                                                                          

  1. What does it mean to have the mind of Christ?
  2. Are we willing to be obedient even if it’s going to cost something of great value to us?
  3. How does Godly unity force us to look at ourselves and others for how we truly are and not live in the extremes?

October 20 – Ephesians 2:11-22

  1. What does it mean to be the temple of the Holy Spirit?
  2. If Jesus is not the foundation that we base everything on, can we even be unified with Him or other people?
  3. If we are to be of one mind, how does reconciliation work both with God and others?
  4. How does having peace play into this process?

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