January 14- Nehemiah 2:17-20

Does anything else really matter if our relationship with God is messed up?

How does God show favor to those who follow Him and follow His commands?

January 15- Nehemiah 4:1-3

Do we get angry because we perceive someone is challenging our authority and perseverance?

How Godly are our actions and speech when we perceive this?

Could this challenge be a way for God to get our attention?

January 16- Psalm 102:12-17

Have you ever thought about the fact that God is everywhere but attending to your needs?

What role does prayer play in your life, and how many of your prayers are desperation          prayers?

If God is eternal and all powerful, can He really take care of our problems?

January 17- Nehemiah 4:6-12

How much better would our conversations, projects and life in general be if we took these to God first?

What do we do when we face opposition from outside forces?

If God called us to do something great, why do we rely on our own ability and willpower?

January 18- Nehemiah 4:13-14

Is there any connection between fear and trust or the lack there of?

How often do we think we have to fight our battles on our own instead of giving them to God?

January 19- Nehemiah 4:15-20

How does trusting in God lead us to acting on His plan?

How often is our frustration connected to not being on the same page with God?

January 20- Nehemiah 4:21-23

Have you ever thought about giving up because it was too hard or you could not see the        benefit of what God has called you to do?

What role does perseverance play in our walk with God and life in general?

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