June 7 – Acts 3:1-10

Do we ever under-estimate God’s power or the power of being present?

Are miracles more about what we do or what God does through us?

What is our response when God does something great?

June 8 – Acts 3:11-26

How often do we want the miracle without the repentance?

Do we ever try to steal God’s glory?

How important is faith/trust for God to work in and through us?

June 9 – Acts 4:1-12

What does it mean that Jesus is the cornerstone of our salvation?

How often do we miss out on what Jesus has said because we have an agenda?

June 10 – Acts 4:13-22

Does boldness give us a right to be careless and stupid?

How does spending time at the feet of Jesus lead to great things?

Does Jesus always disrupt the status quo?

June 11 – Acts 4:23-32

In the face of opposition, what is our response?

Why did the Jewish leaders get blamed for killing Jesus?

June 12 – John 14:8-14

How does this passage develop our understanding of the Trinity?

Are miracles something cool that happen, or are they supposed to draw us closer to the Father?

What prevents us from asking the Father for empowerment?

June 13 – Ephesians 6:10-20

How often do we try to do things on or own terms and fail?

Is there any particular piece of God’s armor that we value more than others and how is this


Does standing firm mean that we know what hill to fight on and what hill to die on?

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