May 6 – Genesis 4: 1-16

  • How often do we tend to use sarcasm when our buttons are being pushed?
  • What does it mean to be my brother’s keeper
  • How can discontent lead to terrible decisions with even worse results?
  • How much better is life when we are accountable to God, another person, and have a support system; why do we avoid these things?

May 7 – Matthew 7:1-6

  • Are we willing to be judged by the standards we place on others; or don’t those rules apply to us?
  • Is there a difference between judgment and discernment of character, if so, what is it?
  • How often do we toss out what is of value or high price for something less?

May 8 – James 2:14-17

  • What is the definition of good and how does our definition and God’s definition differ?
  • Why do we want to be glorified for doing the basics or what is required of us?
  • If our faith does not lead to action; do we really have faith?
  • How often do we pass the buck because it’s always ‘someone else’s’ responsibility?

May 9 – 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

  • Can we really be our brother’s keeper if we lead them astray?
  • Are we willing to give up a non-essential so that we can be a part of a community; or is it ‘my way or the highway’?
  • We know that there is one God, but how often do we do or not do something because ‘karma’?

May 10 – Romans 14:1-21

  • Do we question what God is doing when we ridicule those we deem inferior to us in thought or action?
  • Why do we like to place God’s judgement on other people?
  • How often do we take into account that our actions affect other people for both the good and the bad?

May 11 – Romans 15:1-13

  • What does it mean to abound in hope?
  • If we are to live in harmony, how do we handle conflict?
  • When we interact and invest in others, is our goal to build them up or to bring them down?

May 12 – Psalm 133

  • Can the term brothers mean both someone related by blood and related by same thought or mission?
  • How often do we strive to live in unity with those we come in contact with on a daily basis?
  • How can we live in unity while dealing with strife or anger?
  • Do you have someone who is your brother/sister keeper and if not, why?

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