A Kingdom Torn in Two’ 1 Kings 12-16

January 10- 1 Kings 12

Do we fear Gods presence because He asks us to change and that we can not

worship ourselves or our accomplishments?

Why do we like control and authority so much?

January 11- 1 Kings 13:1-10

Is our loyalty to God or to people with earthly authority?

How often do we try and control God to get what we want and why does it not work?

January 12- 1 Kings 13:11-33

If disobedience is a boulevard of broken dreams, why do we take it?

What are the consequences to either extreme of being a people pleaser or to shaking

up the apple cart?

How often does God give us a command and then we go the other direction?

January 13- I Kings 14:1-18

Why do we try and deceive God or people into getting them to say or do what we

want to hear?

If actions can have generational consequences, how shall we live then?

January 14- 1 Kings 14:19-3

When and how do we take responsibility for our own spiritual failings and sin,

instead of either blaming or pawning them off on someone else?

Does our spiritual vitality play a part of the vitality of the people we either spend them most time with or are the most intimate with and if so how?

January 15- 1 Kings 15:1-32

Does the forgiveness of sin also mean the forgetting of them or not being held

accountable for them?

Whose example do we follow?

Do we strive for just good enough, or do we strive for excellence?

Are there events or situations that causes us to draw the line in the sand so things

will be different, or are we rebellious or apathetic enough not to care?

January 16- 1 Kings 15:33-16:34

Does our sin and disobedience really cause other people to do the same and if so are

we responsible for it?

If we don’t read or pay attention to the past, are we really doomed to repeat it?

The phrase of “did what was right in their own eyes” was repeated multiple times, what is the significance and how does this contrast from what we should do?


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