August 12 – 1 Peter 4:12-19

  1. Is there a difference between suffering and being inconvenienced/
  2. What does it mean to be beloved?
  3. If we suffer for our own stupidity, do we try and weasel out of it or own up to the consequences?
  4. How does what we are willing to suffer for show where are allegiance is and who we serve?”

August 13 – Acts 5:17-42

  1. Who do we obey; ourselves, others or God?
  2. Are we willing to oppose God to save face?
  3. In the midst of our suffering, how does God show His glory?

August 14 – Matthew 5:10-12

  1. Do we take any comfort in the fact that others suffer for Christ also?
  2. Do we really consider it a blessing to suffer?

August 15 – John 15:18-25

  1. Are we willing to count the cost in following Jesus and are we comfortable with that cost?
  2. Do we suffer because of who we are, or because of the One we serve?
  3. Why are we surprised when we suffer for Jesus?

August 16 – 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

  1. How often do we focus on what we are going through and forget to care for other people?
  2. Is hope based on crossing our fingers that something will happen, or banking on God’s faithfulness in the past to provide for the future?
  3. Do we turn to hope or despair when we are at the end of our rope?
  4. Why does the word comfort come up so much in this passage and what can we take away from it?

August 17 – 2 Corinthians 6:3-13

  1. Is our success based on our definition or God’s definition?
  2. How do we develop perseverance and endurance?
  3. What are the weapons of righteousness?

August 18 – Jeremiah 26:1-24

  1. Are there things we need to turn away from so that we are right with God?
  2. Are we willing to be obedient to God in spite of the consequences?
  3. How does repentance lead us to admit that we are wrong and then turn from doing said thing?

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