April 7 – 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

What is the difference between hope and optimism?

Why do we need a resurrection?

If death has been defeated, what do we have to fear?

April 8 – Ephesians 2:1-10

What does it mean that we are created for good works?

If we cannot earn grace or salvation, why do we try?

How do grace and faith require trust and action?

April 9 – Genesis 1:26-31

What does it mean to be created in God’s image?

Does being “fruitful and multiply” mean more than procreation?

April 11 – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Since we have hope, how shall we live?

How do we prepare ourselves for God’s return?

As a Christian, how shall we grieve?

April 10 – John 15:1-5

How can we remain in God if we are not connected to Him?

What does it mean to be pruned?

What does it mean to abide?

April 12 – Philippians 2:12-18

Do we work diligently with a good attitude or are we disgruntled and lazy?

Does our work make us more Godly or is our work a response to what God has done in and through us?

Is our work ethic the same when people are watching as when by ourselves?

April 13 – Romans 7:5-25

Why do we do what we do not want to do and vice versa?

Does the law cause us to sin or make us realize our sinful nature?

What does it mean to delight in God’s law and so we do it?

Do we serve ourselves which leads to death, or do we serve God who gives abundant life?

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