November 24 – Luke 1:26-38

What is our response when God shows up?

Is Jesus holy because of the virgin birth, or because it’s His nature and He was conceived by  

                the Holy Spirit?

How do we move past doubt to obedience?

November 25 – Amos 7:10-15

How are obedience, humility and truth not based on ones social status?

How often does truth make us uncomfortable even to the point of avoiding it?

November 26 – Genesis 12:1-9

How often do we want God’s promises and blessings without the work?

Are God’s promises about our age or ability, or about His character and plan?

Is an altar a place just for sacrifices, or a place to also meet and commune with God?

November 27 – Genesis 45:1-8

If we were Joseph, would the brothers’ fate turned out differently?

Is there a difference between God ordaining a situation or event and Him redeeming it?

November 28 – Luke 5:1-11

What is the difference between master and Lord?

Do we ever follow Gods commands reluctantly? If so, why?

How does being a fisher of men imply risk, obedience and that its not all about me?

November 29 – Luke 5:27-32

Do we always have a choice in God’s invitation to follow Him?

Is following God giving up the comforts of life, or is it more about obedience and trusting

                God for everything we need?

Are we spending more time with the sick or the healthy?

What is repentance?

November 30 – Luke 8:26-39

How is what Jesus has done for us one of the best ways to share His great name?

Do we not commit to Jesus because we fear that He will take away that one thing we        

                hold on to a little too tightly or that we might have to change?

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