December 8- Matthew 1:18-19

Are appearances always what they seem?

How is doing the honorable thing in God’s eyes and man’s eyes two different things?

December 9- Matthew 1:20-25

What is the significance of the virgin birth?

What is the significance of God with us?

How comfortable are we with doing the things that God calls us to do that is counter cultural?

December 10- Luke 2:41-51

Do we seek out Jesus or do we let Him get lost in the crowd?

How often do the words of Jesus leave us confused?

December 11- Mark 3:20-21

Does obedience ever make us look crazy, weird or out of touch and are we comfortable with these titles?

How much do we value what others think of us and what is the cost us and our relationship with God?

December 12- Mark 3:31-35

Are we more concerned with following our earthly family or Kingdom family?

Can we really be a Christian and not do the will of the Father?

December 13- Mark 6:1-6

If it is not possible to please or change the mind of scoffers, why do we    try?

What is the difference between being a guy with a few cool sayings and being the Son of God?

Does Jesus’ not having honor in His home town signify people’s rejection of Him and His purpose?

December 14- Acts 15:36-40

How do we handle disagreements in a Godly way?

Why do we think that if people don’t think, act, or do the same things we do that we can’t possibly be on   the same team?

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