November 25- John 1:1-5                                                                                                                   

  1.  If Jesus was created, how does this cancel out His Deity and eventual work on cross?
  2. How is being in the light more than being in the daylight, but related to our relationship with God?
  3. How does this passage begin to explain God and Jesus being eternal and divine?
  4. How does this passage show the relationship between Father and Son?


November 26- John 1:9-11                                                                                                                    

  1.  What causes us to miss something that is right in front of our face?
  2. Is God’s grace for everyone, or is it only for a select few?


November 27- John 1:12-13                                                                                                           

  1.  What is the difference between head belief and submitted belief?
  2. How does status, ability, family lineage get thrown out when one becomes a member of God’s family?
  3. How do belief and trust go together?


November 28- Philippians 1:1-4                                                                                                           

  1. How often is there joy in our prayer, especially when praying for others?
  2. How do grace and peace go together and can we have one without the other?


November 29- Philippians 1:5-8                                                                                                                               

  1. If God has called us to something, why do we doubt His faithfulness in bringing it to completion?
  2. Is there a connection between a covenant and a partnership with God and others?
  3. Can we be an encouragement to others through more than just money and prayers?


November 30- Philippians 1:9-11                                                                                                            

  1. How can knowledge without discernment lead us to trouble?
  2. How does God’s love for us and through us make all the difference?
  3. What do our actions/fruit say about our character?
  4. Are we willing to grow in grace or is it just too much work and uncomfortable?


December 1- John 1:16-18                                                                                                                             

  1. How does the law point toward our need for grace and the coming of Jesus?
  2. Can we know who God is, and His grace if it wasn’t for Jesus?
  3. If God is faithful in sending His own Son, what is our standard response and what should our response be?

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