November 18 – 2 Thess. 3:6-15

  1. Are we busy with constructive work, or just meddling; and what is the difference?
  2. Is laziness another way of saying that someone is irresponsible and avoiding personal obligations?
  3. Is consistently giving free handouts really the best way to be a good steward of God has given and expects of us?

November 19 – Proverbs 6:1-1

  1. What is the difference between rest and being lazy?
  2. How often does our ego write checks that we either cannot or are not willing to deliver on?
  3. How often do our intentions, get us into trouble?
  4. Are idle hands really the devil’s playground?

November 20 – 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

  1. If what is accepted today becomes tomorrows standard, are there thoughts and attitudes that need to be changed so they don’t become a part of our character?
  2. If our unchecked sin affects the people around us, does this mean we do not live on an island and how we live our lives impacts other people?
  3. Do we really need to cut people out of our lives and community if they are not willing to address sin and character flaws?
  4. How often do we stay accountable on the surface level issues, while not wanting to deal with the hard stuff?

November 21 – Romans 16:17-20

  1. How often do we add extra rules that are based on preference or how we view other people, and not the Gospel?
  2. How does one decipher what is true and what is false and should be run from?
  3. How does what we are obedient to show who or what we serve?

November 22 – Acts 18:1-8

  1. What is the difference between being interested in something and buying into the message?
  2. How do we know when to keep pursuing something and when to drop it and let it go?

November 23 – Galatians 6:1-10

  1. Are we prepared to face the consequences of our speech and our actions?
  2. What is the difference between Godly confidence and boasting?
  3. Are we narcissistic enough that we only care about other people based on what we can get out of it or because it’s a have to and not a want to?

November 24 – 1 Corinthians 9:1-18

  1. Do we use our rights to hinder others or to build ourselves and others up?
  2. Has hard work become something that is looked down upon?
  3. Are we being faithful to what God has given us to do and doing to the best of our ability?
  4. If much is given to us, does this mean that much is expected from us?

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