October 6 – Daniel 7:1-12

Is God’s authority over just His chosen or over all of Creation?

How are wisdom, purity and authority part of God’s character?

October 7 – Daniel 7:13-14

What is the significance of the title Son of Man?

Does it take just as much faith or belief to discredit God as it does to believe in Him?

October 8 – Isaiah 52:7-15

Does peace always bring about victory?

Is God calling you to get up and leave what has been holding you captive?

If God is our protector, what prevents us from going?

October 9 – Isaiah 53:1-12

Are we blind enough not to recognize Jesus when He shows up?

If Jesus felt grief and sorrow, does this mean He was fully human and that He understands?

How is Jesus the only one qualified to bear our sins?

October 10 – John 3:1-21

How often do we think we have control of our sin, but in all actuality it is still controlling us?

What is the difference between being born of the Sprit and born of the flesh?

Does being born again just change our destination, or does it change our character also?

October 11 – Galatians 4:1-7

What is the difference between a slave and a child?

What are the cultural ideas or norms that we try yo make Biblical that just aren’t?

October 12 – 1 John 5:1-12

Is our relationship with God a joy or a burden?                                                                                    What dos it mean to testify or respond to testimony?                                                                                 What is the significance of the water, blood and Spirit?

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