August 5 – Exodus 23:14-19

  1. Do we give God the very best we have or do we give Him what is left over?
  2. How many of our religious practices are done in vain because they are more about what we do and less about our relationship with God?
  3. What are some of the challenges of meeting with God and being intimate with Him?

August 6 – Nehemiah 8:1-6

  1. What is the value of coming together to worship God?
  2. What is the difference between hearing and understanding?
  3. Where do you fall on the hearing/understanding scale?

August 7 – Nehemiah 8:7-12

  1. Who or what is the source of your joy?
  2. How do we stop letting our sin and mistakes hold us captive and live in the joy of God’s grace and power over sin?
  3. What makes a day holy?

August 8 – Nehemiah 8:13-18

  1. What is our responsibility in our relationship with God?
  2. Are we going to live out our responsibilities toward God or are we just going to continue to keep on struggling with our relationship?

August 9 – John 7:1-13

  1. Does standing for the truth make us a target to be vilified?
  2. How much easier is it to talk and dance around an issue than to deal with it head on?

August 10 – John 7:14-24

  1. How often do we get bent out of shape over something small when there is something bigger and better at hand?
  2. Do our actions seek to promote our own glory and self-interest, or point to God?

August 11 – John 7:37-44

  1. Who do you say that Jesus is?
  2. If Jesus is the only one that can satisfy, why do we look other places for validation?
  3. How is the content of someone’s character shown and why does it matter?

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