November 10 – Colossians 1:15-23

What does it mean that Jesus is the first born?

How does God’s grace keep everything together and from falling into chaos?

What does it mean to be reconciled to God?

What is the significance of Jesus being the head of the body and the church?

November 11 – Isaiah 44:6-8

If there is only one God, why do we try to take that title away from the rightful owner?

How is God’s creation supposed to bear witness to God’s greatness and authority?

What does it mean that Jesus is the rock?

November 12 – Isaiah 48:12-15

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Does God ever use the ungodly to get our attention?

If Jesus is the foundation for everything that is right and holy, why do we look elsewhere?

November 13 – Revelation 1:4-8

If Jesus is the be all/end all, does this mean that all creation is moving towards worshiping Him    by choice or by force?

What does it mean to be a kingdom of priests?

November 14 – Revelation 1:9-20

How does God’s Word not only reveal our motives but also deals with them?

If Jesus has the victory over death, what do we have to fear?

November 15 – Revelation 21:1-8

How does heaven reverse the curse of sin?

Are we really cowards for trying to live independently from God?

If we are the adorned bride of Christ, are we living like it?

November 16 – Revelation 22:12-16

What does it mean to be blessed?

Are we living our lives as if Christ was returning today?

How does our belief system dictate what our actions and speech are going to be?

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