February 25 – Mark 11:15-19

  1. How often do we want to avoid God, or minimize Him, because He makes us uncomfortable or He shows us who we really are?
  2. Have you ever taken something that was meant for God’s glory and turned it upside down to benefit yourself?

February 26 – Isaiah 56:1-8

  1. What does practicing justice and righteousness look like on a day to day level?
  2. Are we more concerned about being labeled with the right group of people or about being obedient to what God has called us to do?
  3. Do we say that God’s grace and forgiveness is for everyone; except for that one person who hurt us, or the group of people that are different than us?

February 27 – Jeremiah 7:1-11

  1. Is the goal of our worship to make us look and feel good, or is it to give God His due glory?
  2. Do your words speak truth and wisdom or are they deceptive and conceited?
  3. If we do not practice repentance and obedience, can we really call ourselves followers of Christ?

February 28 – John 2:12-25

  1. How often do we seek a sign from God to prove who He is, or before we obey what He commands us to do?
  2. How much of life is about knowing who you are in God and being comfortable in that?
  3. How is seeking validation and self-worth from other people like a sugar high and why is it dangerous?

March 1 – Psalm 69:6-18

  1. If our words and actions affect others, why do we insist that we live in a vacuum?
  2. Are we more concerned with seeking God’s face or about what others are saying about us?
  3. Is God an option for us or is He our only option: and what is the difference?

March 2 – Psalm 122:1-9

  1. When we gather together in worship, is it a joyful experience or is it a chore and a hassle?
  2. What is the significance of entering into God’s gates?
  3. How are praying for peace and taking steps for it to blossom two different things?

March 3 – 1 Corinthians 3:10-23

  1. Are we wise by God’s standards or by the world’s standards?
  2. If we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, how shall we take care of ourselves and other people?
  3. Who are the people and what are the resources that are influencing and shaping our character; are they worth using or will they end up falling short of God’s standards?

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