February 18 – Matthew 21:1-11 

  1. How comfortable are we when Jesus to stirs things up in our lives?
  2. Is there a difference between Jesus being our King and our Savior?
  3. Is it possible to have one  without the other?
  4. How often do one’s actions speak louder than one’s words and how do we get the two to match up?

February 19 – Isaiah 62:10-12

  1. How much of repentance is leaving the bad or ordinary behind and turning to something that is better?
  2. Does being a holy person mean that we are about loving God, ourselves and others?

February 20 – Zechariah 9:9-17

  1.  If we are greatly valued by God, why don’t we treat ourselves or others with that reverence?
  2. Are you a prisoner of hope and joy, or of sadness and despair?
  3. If God is providing salvation, the question is, not only what are we being saved from, but also  what are we being saved to or for?

February 21 – Psalm 118:19-29

  1.  What does it mean to come in the name of Lord?
  2. What are some of the things (good or bad) attempt to or take us captive and hold us hostage?
  3. Does the gate of the Lord mean that there is only one way that we will be saved?

February 22 – Psalm 132:1-18

  1.  Do we ever take God’s grace for granted or minimize its role in our lives?
  2. How often do we keep God the main thing in our lives, are we willing to work at keeping the main thing the main thing?
  3. If we are not in right relationship with God and in His presence, is what we do and say really worth our time and effort?

February 23 – John 12:12-19

  1.  How often do we get caught up in our own agenda instead of what God is doing?
  2. How often is hindsight 20/20?

February 24 – Luke 19:28-44

  1.  How often do we see the miracles of Jesus and still not believe He is who He says He is?
  2. Do we praise Jesus for what He does for us, or for who He is?
  3. Is there any significance to Jesus weeping over Jerusalem?

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