January 28 – Nehemiah 6:1-9

  1. Do we ever get distracted from doing God’s work to defend ourselves or God?
  2. How does facing opposition force us to rely on God more?
  3. Are we more concerned with what others think of us, than what God thinks of us?

January 29 – Matthew 6:19-24

  1. Why can’t we be loyal to more than one thing?
  2. How does what we spend our time on and where we spend our money show what or who we value?
  3. How does having a proper view of ourselves and who God is help us in the long run?
  4. What are the disastrous consequences of not having a proper view of self and God?

January 30 – Matthew 6:25-34

  1. If we are not to worry about tomorrow, does this give us an out for not being prepared?
  2. How much of our anxiety comes from not being in control of a person or situation?
  3. What is the difference between God taking care of our needs and providing for our wants or the extras of life?

January 31 – Matthew 22:34-40

  1. Who is our neighbor and what does it mean to love them as ourselves?
  2. Why do we try to make some rules more important than others?
  3. What does it mean to love God with everything we have and not just when we feel like it?

February 1 – Luke 10:38-42

  1. Which is easier, doing things for God, or being fully present while spending time with God?
  2. Which one do we prefer to do?
  3. How does busy work lead to stress and anxiety?

February 2 – Luke 12:22-34

  1. How can we tell the difference between what has eternal value and what is just meaningless?
  2. Do we really have the faith that God will provide everything we need?
  3. Does God really call us to sell everything, or to realize that everything already belongs to God and is to be used for His glory?
  4. How does what we own and what we desire the most reflect on our relationship with God?

February 3 – John 21:15-23

  1. Are we willing to follow God even though it may mean humiliation or even death?
  2. What do we love more, our things, ourselves, or God?
  3. How does our love manifest into obedience to God or whatever we put in God’s place?

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