November 17- John 1:1-5

If Jesus helped with Creation, does this mean He was not created and that He was not plan B?

What is the significance of Jesus’ being the light and how does it contrast with darkness?

November 18- Genesis 1:1-3

Does God create because He can or because it is a part of His very nature?

How often do we think we are the Creator and not the created?

Are what we call good and what God calls good the same thing?

If God is eternal and the beginning of all things, do we need to adjust how we live?

November 19- Proverbs 8:22-36

If we are calloused toward God, does this really mean we love pain, sorrow and death?

When God creates, is there order and peace, or chaos and dysfunction?

November 20- John 1:9-14

How often does God show up and we do not recognize Him?

What is the significance of the Creator living among His creation?

What is the significance to the title Son of God?

November 21- Exodus 33:7-11

What is the significance of Moses going to God on the behalf of Israel?

If we do not have God’s presence among are we in trouble?

Do we ever take Jesus’ presence lightly?

November 22- John 1:16-18

How does Jesus reveal to us who God the Father really is?

What does it mean that Jesus was full of grace and truth?

November 23- James 1:22-25

What is the point of knowing God’s truth if we don’t go and do it?

Do God’s rules and standards really give us liberty and freedom, and if they do, why don’t

            we see it that way?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in changing our attitudes, intentions and actions?

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