November 3 – John 10:1-10

            What does it mean to have life more abundantly?

            Whose voices are we tuned into hearing, God’s, ourselves, or others?

            If there is only one way for salvation, why do we try to seek other ways to get to heaven?

            What is the significance of the phrase, “truly, truly?”

November 4 – John 10:11-18

            What is the significance of the phrase “I Am”?

            What is the difference between a hired hand and the Good Shepherd?

            How can something forcibly be taken if it is freely given away?

November 5 – John 10:22-30

            What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one?

            How are hearing God’s voice and obeying His commands two different things?

            How do Jesus’ words and actions point back to God the Father?

November 6 – Zechariah 11:4-17

            Does God really back off so that we might face the consequences of our actions?

            How often have we thrown other people under the bus to save our hide or to get our way?

            Do we ever consider others’ or even God’s worth to be not much more than a slave?

            Would God ever reject our worship?

November 7 – Ezekiel 34:1-10

            If we continue to consume and hoard without an outlet, do we become like a stagnant pond?

             How does this passage contrast a good and bad shepherd?

            Are there people in our sphere of influence that we are leaving vulnerable and searching?

November 8 – Ezekiel 34:11-16

            How is Jesus the Good Shepherd?

            Is God’s punishment the same as His justice?

            What does is mean to be restored?  

November 9 – Ezekiel 34:17-31

            What does it mean to belong to and to abide with God?

            If God is seeking us out, why do we keep looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places?

            If God judges us for our actions and intentions, are we comfortable with what we do?

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