April 1 – Matthew 16:13-20

  1. Are we more concerned with doing things for God or doing God’s plan?
  2. Why is it easier to claim that Jesus is God than actually living it out daily?
  3. Do we rely on our knowledge or God’s knowledge and what do we put into practice?

April 2 – Luke 11:14-28

  1. How do we move from hearing God’s word to doing it?
  2. How often do we see signs yet we don’t believe or fully embrace them?

April 3 – Luke 8:26-39

  1. How often do we get scared or hide when God displays His power?
  2. Is demon possession a real thing or do we write it off as something that is medical?
  3. What does this passage say about God’s authority over everything?

April 4 – John 3:1-21

  1. How often do we want to follow Jesus just as long as no one else knows?
  2. How often do we have all the right answers and still don’t get it?
  3. Can Jesus really be the Son of God if He cannot provide the way for everyone to be reconciled with God?

April 5 – John 4:28-30; 39-42

  1. Is God’s plan for salvation just for some people, or for all people?
  2. Is good news worth knowing if we are not willing to let it change us, and share what that good news has done for us?

April 6 – John 20:24-29

  1. How often do we doubt until we see some sort of physical proof?
  2. What is our response to Jesus when He does show up in our lives?
  3. How often do we keep Jesus at arm’s length because we might have to change and change is just way to hard and messy?

April 7 – John 1:43-51

  1. What is the significance to the phrase “Son of Man”?
  2. How do we invite people to encounter Jesus, even in the midst of their doubts?

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