October 17 – Mark 6:30-44

  • Why do we keep looking for things that do not satisfy?
  • What is the hardest part about trusting God?
  • Do we seek Jesus for the spectacular show, or because He is Savior?
  • For Jesus to be our shepherd, where does repentance come in?

October 18 – Matthew 10:35-38

  • What does it mean to bear one’s cross?
  • Why does God require us to declare our allegiances?
  • How is losing one’s life a good thing?

October 19 – 1 Kings 22:1-18

  • What does it mean to be a sheep without a shepherd?
  • How often do we seek people that will tell us what we want to hear?
  • How often do we avoid people because when they speak truth, it feels that they are attacking us personally?

October 20 – Numbers 27:12-23

  • How does disobedience disbar us from certain privileges, no matter what we have done or who we are?
  • Is there any significance of the public transferring of leadership?

October 21 – Romans 10:1-14

  • How does belief and confession go hand in hand?
  • How does faith make one righteous?
  • If we live by the law, does that mean we will be judged by it also?

October 22 – Isaiah 52:4-10

  • What is the power of salvation?
  • What does it mean to be the bearer of good news?
  • How does one move from despising God’s name to praising Him?

October 23 – Isaiah 40:6-11

  • How can God be a conquering King and gentle Shepherd at the same time?
  • How do we decipher between what is life giving and eternal to what is flashy, but will fade away?
  • What is the role of a shepherd?

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