April 14 – Luke 22:1-6

Was Judas’ betrayal to force Jesus to set up His earthly kingdom or was it all about the money?

How often do we do things because we fear the backlash of people?

Does betrayal ever mean that there is a lack of faith or faith in the wrong thing?

April 15 – Luke 22:7-38

Does greatness mean lording over or serving others with humility?

Are we willing to back up our talk with action, or are we a bunch of hot air?

How is Jesus’ sacrifice the be all/end all for sacrifices?

When participating in communion, what does it mean to “do this in remembrance of me”?

April 16 – Luke 22:39-53

How difficult is it to say not what I want done but what God wants done and then to actually do it?

What does i mean to not enter into temptation?

Do we use the authority we have to seek and destroy or to serve and bring life?

April 17 – Luke 22:63-71

Who do we say that Jesus is and how do we let this affect our lives?

How pointless is it to have a conversation with someone who has their mind made up?

What is the significance to the title “Son of God’?

April 18 – Luke 23:1-25

Are we willing to do the right thing despite the mob mentality that we might face?

Are we more willing to follow society’s rules to keep peace rather than God’s laws?

Is silence always golden?

April 19 – Luke 23:36-49

Are we willing to forgive those who have betrayed and kicked us?

What is the significance of the temple curtain being torn in two?

Is there a difference between being innocent and being the Son of God?

Is there a connection between darkness and God’s judgement?

April 20 – Luke 23:50-56

Is there any significance to Jesus being laid in a virgin tomb?

What is the Kingdom of God and where doe we look for it?

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