May 26 – Acts 2:1-13

What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Even when God does show up, are there times when we try to discredit God and His power?

May 27 – Acts 2:42-47

Why do we think we can do our “Christianity” by ourselves on an island with our favorite podcast or TV pastor?

When we gather together, is it a social gathering or a time of worship that encourages growth, community and repentance?

Is giving out of our excess really Godly giving?

May 28 – Acts 4:32-37

Why are we so consumed with the word mine?

What is the difference between needing and wanting?

What is that one thing that God is calling you to give up to further His Kingdom?

Do we rely on our own power or God’s resurrection power?

Why do we have a hard time sharing what God has done and is doing in our lives?

May 29 – Acts 6:1-7

What are the needs of the church’s community both inside the church and in the community that are being neglected?                                                  

What qualities are required to be a good leader?

What does it mean that the word of God continued to increase?

May 30 – Acts 7:54-8:3

Are we willing to share and live God’s truth no matter the consequences?

What does it mean to be vindicated by God?

Was Stephen crazy for asking God not to hold the people accountable for stoning him or is forgiveness something we should strive for?

May 31 – Acts 9:19-31

How often do we doubt God’s power to change people or even ourselves?

When we are wrong, how often do we become vindictive and start to throw mud?

June 1 – Hebrew 10:19-25

Do our words and actions bring life and encouragement, or death and destruction?               

What is the point of knowing God’s truth if we are going to either avoid or disobey it?              

 What is our confidence based on or in?  

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