April 4 – Matthew 5:13-16

     What do our works point to?

     What does it mean to be light in a dark world?

     Why do we want to hide the light that we have?

April 5 – Luke 14:25-34

     What does it mean to bear one’s cross?

     Does being a disciple have great cost and do we count that cost?

     Do disciples lose their witness or influence if they are no longer salty?

April 6 – John 8:12-18

    What is the significance of the phrase “I AM?”

    How do light and life go together?

    What gives Jesus the authority to be the ultimate judge?

April 7 – John 1:1-18

    What is the true light?

    What does it take for the created not to recognize the Creator?

    What does it mean to be a witness?

April 8 – Matthew 4:12-17

    What is the difference between dwelling in darkness and dwelling in light?

    What does the Kingdom of God look like?

    What does it mean to repent?

    How does seeing something require some sort of response?

April 9 – John 12:20-36

    Do we delight more in God the Creator or the things He created?

    What does it mean to be children of the light?

    Does darkness mean we don’t know where we are going or what we are doing?    

April 10 – Acts 13:44-52

    What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

    Does being salt and light mean that we know when we need to walk away?

    Do certain actions really make one unworthy of eternal life?

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