The Hour of Darkness:

May 29- Matthew 26-27
What is the significance of the veil in the temple being torn?
Did the Romans have more faith in the resurrection of Jesus than the disciples?
Do we ever betray Jesus with our thoughts, words, or actions on a daily basis?

May 30- Mark 14-15
How often do we do things to save our own skin or to make us look better?
Did God really for sake Jesus on the cross or is it a reference to Psalm 22?
What does it mean that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak?
How often do we pray that God gets us out of a situation or do we fully embrace what
He has called us to do?

May 31- Luke 22-23
Have you ever betrayed someone and was it everything you hoped and dreamed of?
What is this new covenant that Jesus is talking about?
Is Jesus blood and body present in the communion elements, or do the communion
elements symbolically represent Jesus blood and body?
If we really knew what we were asking for, would we still ask for it?
How often to we accept the punishment that is given to us?

June 1 – John 13-14
Are we willing to serve others even those who have betrayed us?
If we are called to love, is it about the warm fuzzies and how is it unconditional?
Is our relationship with God about getting into heaven or being in relationship with God
and others?
What does it mean that we will do works greater than God?
How is the forgiveness of sins the only way we can be apart of Gods kingdom?

June 2 – John 16-17
What does it mean to be unified as one and how does this happen?
What does it mean to be in this world but not of it?
Why is having the Holy Spirit crucial to our faith?
What is the difference between happiness and joy?

June 3 – John 18
What is truth?
How often do we want to judge people and situations by the world standards and not Gods?
What is Gods kingdom and where can it be found?

June 4 – John 19
Does our authority come from us or from God?
How often do we sell out God for something we can see or what makes us feel good?
Is there any significance to the phrase “it is finished”

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