God’s Revelation

July 31- Deuteronomy 29:29-30:10
Can we know what God knows?
If we can know what God knows, how do we get to know this knowledge?
What does it mean to love God with everything we have?
What does it mean to have a circumcised heart?

August 1- John 5:31-47
What does it mean to be a witness?
Is revelation of Gods truth the end all be all, or does it point to something greater,
which is who God is?
Do we seek to glorify God or to be glorified?
If something has multiple witnesses, does it make it true?

August 2- II Timothy 3:1-16
Can we really appear to be Godly and know nothing of God or His power?
What is misplaced love?
How does Gods revelation shape our character?
How does God reveal Himself and who we are through Scripture?
If Scripture is God breathed and good for everything that is Holy, do we embrace it,
avoid it, or are apathetic to it?

August 3- I Kings 19:9-18
Does God still speak to us?
How do we eliminate the distractions to hear God?
Does having a self proclaimed pity party ever get in between us and God?

August 4- Hebrews 1:1-4
How does God reveal Himself and through who?
How is Jesus the reveal of who God is?
Are we about conforming to Gods character, or are we about doing what we want,
as long as we get into heaven?

August 5- Romans 1:18-32
Does knowing about God change our eternal destination, or is it about being obedient
to His ways?
Does God really take His hands off and let us suffer the consequences of our actions
and let us pursue the desires of our hearts?
If God really reveals His nature to us, do we really have an excuse to live in sin?

August 6: Proverbs 3:1-26
What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom and where does understanding
both come in?
Are we as committed to knowing and applying Gods wisdom as we are random facts?
Who do we trust more, ourselves or God?
How does this passage lay out that there is a right and wrong and there are consequences
to both?

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