There is no You in Me
September 18 Joshua 7:1-9
Can one persons sin really affect a whole group of people?
Does this mean we can not do whatever we want whenever we want?
Why do we blame God for the consequences of our actions?

September 19 1 Samuel 25:1-35
How often do we belittle people to make ourselves feel better?
How does a calm attitude and comforting words disarm peoples vengeance?

September 20 2 Samuel 11:1-16
How often do we try and cover our tracks and hope that no one notices what we said
or did?
How much easier would life be if walked away and not entertained certain thoughts,
ideas or actions?
Is really doing something and asking for forgiveness later a healthy way to be in a

September 21 Acts 4:32-37
Are we willing to give up something of value to us so others do not have to go without?
How do we break the cycle that everything is mine and that it belongs to God and we
are called to be good managers of what He gives us?

September 22 Acts 5:1-11
If secrets have a way of always coming out, why do we keep them?
How often do we give out of compulsion instead of wanting to?
When we lie to others, aren’t we really lying to God too?
If we always tell the truth, is there less for us to remember?

September 23 Luke 10:25-37
Is our neighbor people who we like, or is it everyone we come into contact with and
interact with?
How does the treatment of our enemies show our character and where we stand with God?
How often do we try and justify our actions before God?
How often are we about following the letter of the law versus the spirit of it?

September 24 Luke 11:5-13
How often do we not receive because we do not ask?
Does this mean we will get everything we ask for?
How often do we only do something if it fits our time or it does not inconvenience us?
How often do we think that there is no “I” in team but we think that there is an “me”?


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