March 13 – Luke 19:28-44

If Jesus is the only one that can give true peace, why do we look for it in other places?

How is God’s authority over all shown through His creation?

Are we so hardened that creation steps in to tell the world who Jesus really is?

March 14 – Zechariah 9:9-17

How is Gods salvation for the oppressed and oppressors?

Is Gods kingdom a spiritual or physical kingdom?

How does the coming king provide hope for the here and now and not yet?

March 15 – Matthew 21:1-11

Is our allegiance to country on the same level as our allegiance to God?

Can we really serve two masters?

Do we really want a king who saves us from our situation or saves our souls?

March 16 – Psalm 118:25-29

Do we praise God for everything and in every season of life?

How does one live a life of a living sacrifice?

When we pray for success, is it our definition or Gods definition?

March 17 – Mark 11:1-11

Do we anoint Jesus as King because that is who He is or do we do it because we are tired

of who currently sits on the throne?

Are we more concerned with the oppression that we can see, or the oppression of sin and


What is the significance of Jesus riding in on donkey?

March 18 – John 12:12-19

How does Jesus challenge our conformity, comfortability and authority?

Do we seek Jesus because He does cool things or because He is the Son of God?

How often is hindsight 20/20?

March 19 – John 12:20-36

Do we love our life more then we love God?

Are we more concerned with God being glorified or living an easy life?

How is obedience learning to follow God over ourselves?

What is the contrast between light and dark and how do we apply it?


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