February 21 – Luke 10:38-41

Are we more concerned with doing things for Jesus or being present with Jesus?

How does one chose the better thing?

How is being present in the moment and not distracted by technology or other things counter cultural by today’s standards?

How often do we use those distractions to take away from the task at hand and what we know we should be doing?

February 22 – John 11:1-16

Why is waiting so hard and can waiting be holy?

Is love preventing the hardship or walking along side during it?

What does it mean to walk in the light?                                                                                      How often do we reluctantly follow God because we got nothing better to do?                                                                                                                                                        Does God perform miracles to strengthen our faith our to show His glory?

February 23 – John 11:17-37

How often do we blame God for not showing up or not caring?

What is the difference between resurrection and resuscitation?                                                                                                                                            Is there a difference between a physical and spiritual death, if so, what is it?                                                                                                                                                         How does Jesus being the resurrection and the life defeat death?

February 24 – John 11:38 – 57

In everything we do and say, does it point to our glory or Gods?                                               How often do we want to remove or avoid what challenges our comfort and show what our true motives are?                                                                                                                              Even though we are made new in Christ, what are the things that we need to unwrap ourselves from to see God better?

February 25 – John 12:1-11

How does sin produce irrational and even defiant behavior?                                                     How often do we question the gift and the manner it was given in?

What are the things that God is calling us to, so that we may learn and practice grace and humility?                                                                                                                                            How do our words and actions reflect what our motivations are?

February 26 – Psalm 27:1-14

In times of distress or discomfort, who or what do you turn to and is that what you worship?

How does waiting signify trust, relationship and courage?                                                             Who or what should we really fear?

February 27 – Matthew 6:25-34

How is apathy and being anxious polar opposites and both extremes very dangerous?

How does our dreams and what we desire play into our relationship with God?

What does it mean to seek God first?

If we are anxious about tomorrow, how can we be fully present today?


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