Bent and Withered

February 28- Luke 13:10-17

How can someone tell what is important in our lives by what we do and don’t do?

How often does our focus get off and we care and fight for the trivial or the lesser?

Do we ever get bent out of shape because God gets glorified in ways we don’t like?

February 29- Luke 11:45-46

Why is the Gospel so offensive?

How often do we place expectations on others that we have no intentions of ever following?

Do we let our understanding our culture define what the Bible is saying, or do we let the

Holy Spirit do it for us?

March 1- Luke 14:1-6

How does Godly conviction lead to silence?

Does this conviction lead to life change or to find ways to get around it?

Do we ever change our personal or Gods rules in time of need so that we can safe face or

have our needs met?

March 2- Luke 11:43-44

How often do we do things just so we are recognized, especially by the people we view


Who do we worship, ourselves, others or God?

By what we do and say, do we lead people to or away from the Gospel?

March 3- Mark 3:1-6

What is more important, to follow the spirit or the letter of the law?

Would we rather save face and abide by rules or to show grace and humility?

By what rules we do or do not follow, how does this reveal our character?

March 4- Luke 11:42

Do we give to God or others because we have to and not because we want to?

How many of our relationships either with God or others are robotic and we do them because we have to or our obligated to them?

How often is doing what is right and what is needed to very different things?

What does justice have to do with anything?

March 5-Luke 11:39-41

Are we more concerned with looking Godly or being Godly?

How is looking Godly and self righteousness connected?

Are we more concerned with God being in control over some things or everything?


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