December 23 – Revelation 21:1-8                                                                                                               How does God make everything right?                                                                                                                Are we so focused on heaven that we are no earthly good?                                                                                    How is everything in heaven made complete?

December 24 – 2 Corinthians 5:16-21                                                                                                         What does it mean to be in the reconciling business?                                                                                                If we are a new creation, why does the old creation still like to hang on?                                                                           

December 25 – Isaiah 43:14-21     What do you do more often; praise God for what He has done or praise God for His character and who He is?                                                                                                                             Does sin really keep us in bondage?                                                                                                              What does it mean that God is doing a new thing?

December 26 – Isaiah 65:17-25                                                                                                                             Does God create because He can, or is it a part of His very nature to create?                                                                   Is heaven to be our final goal or should we be more concerned with growing in grace and closer to God and others?

December 27 – Ephesians 4:17-32                                                                                                           How do we put off our old self?                                                                                                                                  As a Christian, are you known more for what you are for or what you are against and what is the difference?                                                                                                                                                           What makes bitterness, snarkiness and uncontrolled anger so attractive and why do these things keep getting us into trouble?

December 28 – Colossians 3:1-17                                                                                                                                      Is what we want the most worth having and does it have any eternal value?                                                                           Are we as serious about dying to ourselves as Jesus died as we are about living as Jesus lived?                                       What makes self-denial so hard?

December 29 – 2 Peter 3:1-18                                                                                                                  What does it mean to be beloved?                                                                                    How is our view of time and God’s view of time different?                                                                                                   Are we using our time to grow in grace and show and tell others about God’s goodness and grace?

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