December 16 – Luke 2:21-40

  1. How does sacrifice or atonement require something great?
  2. Why is it so much easier to be arrogant and self-serving rather than humble and desiring to serve others?
  3. Does arrogance always mean judgment?
  4. How does Christ’s death and resurrection reveal the true intention of our motives and the condition of our heart?

December 17 – Leviticus 12:1-8

  1. How does being in right relationship with God and others require sacrifice?

December 18 – Exodus 13:1-16

         1.    What is the point of consecrating something?

         2.    How is the world to know of God’s goodness if we do not share and teach it to others?    

         3.    How do we incorporate God’s rules and desires for us into our daily routines?

        4.    Do only the firstborn belong to God or does everything belong to God and we are to care and use                           wisely what we have been given?    

December 19 – Isaiah 52:7-12

  1. Do we leave a path of destruction and brokenness, or one of peace and wholeness?
  2. If God goes out before us and is behind us, what do we have to fear?
  3. What are those struggles, hang-ups and sins that God has dealt with; that He is calling us to leave behind and to follow Him to freedom?

December 20 – Isaiah 53:1-12

  1. If Jesus were to show up today, would we recognize Him?
  2. What does it mean to be a suffering servant?
  3. If Jesus took the punishment that was meant for us, how should we live our lives differently?

December 21 – Isaiah 40:1-11

  1. If God’s promises never fail, why do we have a hard time trusting Him and living out those promises?
  2. How is God’s goodness on display for everyone to see?
  3. If we are all mortal, why do we live as if we are not or that our mortality is somewhere in the future?

December 22 – Isaiah 9:1-7

  1. How often do we put on our spiritual sun glasses when Christ is shining His truth into ourlives?
  2. Does this mean God will make everything right and that He is the cornerstone of everythingthat is created?
  3. How is God’s Kingdom not only fulfilling the Davidic promise, but also reminding us that HisKingdom has no beginning or end?

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