May 20 – Luke 10:25-37

  1. Can we do the right thing and still miss the boat?
  2. Are our neighbors those who we are in relationship with, or everybody we come in contact with?
  3. What does mercy and grace have to do with our relationships?
  4. How often do we keep people at arms-length for some superficial reason?

May 21 – Romans 13:8-14

  1. How does love complete the law and foster healthy relationships?
  2. If we are to put on Christ, what are those things we need to put away?

May 22 – Leviticus 19:1-18

  1. How does God’s Holiness transform us for everyday living?
  2. Why are we so inclined to show favoritism, especially to those whom we like?
  3. What does it mean to love others as we love ourselves?

May 23 – Psalm 15

  1. What is the difference between speaking truth and being a jerk?
  2. If we cannot be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest with God and others?
  3. Are we willing to keep our promises, even if it costs us something great?

May 24 – Matthew 5:38-42

  1. Why does revenge never work?
  2. How can we tell when helping is doing more harm than good and does God really call us to give foolishly?

May 25 – Matthew 5:43-48

  1. If we only love those who love us, are we any different than the world?
  2. Are our prayers for our enemies for God to bring His wrath upon them, or for them to find God’s grace?
  3. What does it mean to be perfect as God is perfect?
  4. Is our standard for living based on God’s Word or how other people are doing and living their lives?

May 26 – Matthew 7:12-1-5

  1. Having the way people treat us based on how we treat them and others; are we comfortable with that?
  2. If not, what needs to change?
  3. Is there really a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell?
  4. If following Jesus was easy, wouldn’t everyone do it?

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