October 4 – Romans 2:5-16

    What prevents us from doing what God tells us to do?

    How does making poor or sinful choices make life just that much harder?

    What is the significance of God’s not playing favorites?

October 5 – Romans 2:25-29

    Are we more interested in looking holy or being holy?

    What does it mean to be circumcised by the Holy Spirit?

    What are those cultural things that we wear as badges and claim to be essential to being a Christian?

October 6 – Hebrews 12:14-28

    How does bitterness ruin lives and relationships?

    How does gratitude and worship go together?

October 7 – 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

    Does being unequally yoked apply more than just to marriage?

    How does holiness and how we treat our bodies go hand in hand?

    What does it mean to be separate?

October 8 – 1 Peter 1:3-12

    How do faith and salvation go together?

    How is refinement a crucial part to our faith and holiness?

    How does salvation restore our soul?

October 9 – 1 Peter 1:13-25

    What does it mean to be holy as God is holy?

    What does it mean to be sober minded, and does it help with being focused on the main thing?

    If God and His truths are forever, how shall we live?

October 10 – 1 Peter 2:4-12

    How can we be a witness not only in our words, but our actions as well?

    What does it mean to be a living stone?

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