Paul’s Mission

June 26- Acts 13-14; 16-20
What does it mean to be free especially from sin and or bondage?
Are we more concerned about vindicating ourselves or the Gospel?
How do we listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and then go do it?
What is the difference between being religious and being in relationship with God?

June 27- Romans 1; 3-6
How is the power of God revealed?
How do we encourage each other?
Are we more concerned with outward actions of our faith or a change of heart and thought?
Are we more concerned with having faith or following the letter of the law?
If grace abounds, why cant we just keep on doing our own thing?

June 28- Romans 8; 12; 15
If there is nothing that can keep us from Gods love, what prevents us from accepting it?
How do we be a living sacrifice when we keep getting off of the altar?
How do we see ourselves as God sees us and not how the world seeds us?
How do we love mercy, love justice and walk with humility with God and others?

June 29- I Corinthians 1;3;5-6
Why are we so interested in creating divisions or an us versus them?
What is the difference between wisdom and foolishness and how do we go about being
Is there a difference between judging and assessing character, and if so, what is it?

June 30- I Corinthians 10;12-13;15-16
How often do we do things for the attention of people and not for the glory of God?
Why don’t we all have the same gifts and do those gifts give us or God glory?
Do we focus on the gifts themselves or the one who gives those gifts?
How does our motivation and intentions play into how we live our lives?

July 1- Galatians 1;3;5;6
How do we know if something is contrary to Scripture if we are not in it and reading it?
What is the significance of the title “Sons of Abraham?”
What is the difference between a son and a slave and what are you?
Are the fruit of the Spirit something we can obtain ourselves or is it something given
by God?

July 2- I Thessalonians 1-5
Is there any significance to the phrase “day of the Lord?”
How do we develop self control and why is it important?


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