October 29 – Hebrews 10:19-25

In whom or what do we place our confidence?

When we gather together, do we spur each other to growth or do we just want to have            fun?

How do we draw near to God; and why should we?

October 30 – Psalm 128:1-6

What does it mean be blessed by God?

Is this blessing something we earn on our own or is it a part of who God is?

Can we tell what someone’s intentions are by the result of their actions?

October 31 – Psalm 84:1-12

We can aspire to do great things, but do they really matter if God is not with us or in               them?

If God cares for the birds, why don’t we trust Him to meet our daily needs?

How do we “be in the presence of God”, even in the mundane day to day stuff?

November 1 – Psalm 27:4-8

God protects us. Does this mean we will not face any trouble, or that He will guide us             through it?

Can we tell what the desires of our hearts are by what we chase and desire the most?

November 2 – Luke 2:36-38

Are we willing to persevere no matter how long it takes?

How do prayer and fasting connect us with God?

November 3 – Acts 18:1-8

How should our faith come through in all that we do on a daily basis?

How do we know when to keep at it, or when it’s time to let it go and stop beating our             head against the wall?

Is people’s opposition to us more about us, or about the message we bring?

November 4 – Acts 11:19-30

What does it mean to be full of the Holy Spirit?

Do we base our own growth and the growth of the church on our own talents or on                 God’s power and goodness?

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