July 22 – 1 Peter 3:8-22

  1. Are we willing to do what is right even if we will suffer for it?
  2. What is the significance of baptism?
  3. What prevents us from sharing the hope that we have?

July 23 – Psalm 34:1-22

  1. How do praise, gratitude and humility go together?
  2. What is a healthy fear of God?
  3. If God loves and cares for His own, why do we think we need to live on an island doing everything ourselves?

July 24 – Romans 12:9-21

  1. Do we try to live in peace with others, especially those with whom we disagree?
  2. If we are Disciples of Christ and yet living like the world, is there something drastically wrong?
  3. Are any of these things possible without Gods love and sanctifying grace in our lives?

July 25 – Romans 15:1-9

  1. Are we more concerned with keeping our faith private, or are we willing to reach out and help others grow in their faith?
  2. Do we serve others so that we look good or so that we can glorify God?

July 26 – Colossians 1:24-2:6

  1. How does being in Christ bind us together?
  2. What does it mean to rejoice in our suffering and why is it so difficult to do so?
  3. How do we move from accepting Christ as our Lord to becoming a mature disciple?
  4. How is God’s strength shown through our weakness?

July 27 – Colossians 4:2-6

  1. Are we looking and praying for opportunities to share our faith?
  2. How is our speech a reflection of who or what we serve?
  3. Is there a connection between walking in wisdom and how we use our time?

July 28 – Hebrews 4:14-5:10

  1. What is the significance of Jesus being the ultimate high priest?
  2. If Jesus understands our struggles, does this mean we can no longer use our weakness as an excuse?

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